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Restore Your Health Without Leaving Home

We Help You Heal Faster So You Can Get Your Life Back

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We all remember watching "The Lovely Carol Merrill" on Let's Make a Deal when we were young. When she was featured in People Magazine, she invited us to join her for a photo-shoot at her local health food store. The image they published shows me measuring the electrical currents, known as Buccal Currents, coming from galvanic interaction between dissimilar metals in dental materials. This is a test that comes from the field of Biological Dentistry. The Dental Protocol at our Clinical Praxis website links to the practitioner finder pages of the two dental organizations we recommend for your dental care. We'll also supply you with wicking toothbrushes and our Dental Powder at RemedyMatch.com to upgrade your dental self care. My publications have been recommended by the American Academy of Biological Dentistry.

- Dr. Glen Swartwout

Unleash Your Healing Power

Are you tired of the limitations and side effects of conventional medicine?

Discover the revolutionary approach that promises to reverse a year of aging and degeneration in just one month!

In my journey to becoming an eye doctor, I discovered that I would go blind by my 40s if I followed conventional medical protocols.

Faced with this daunting prospect, I embarked on a quest to find alternative solutions that could save my vision.

What I discovered ultimately saved my life as well.

This personal mission led me to explore diverse healing modalities, ranging from Ancient Healing Traditions to a form of European Biological Medicine known as the Medicine of the Future, and beyond.

The conventional approach to medicine often leaves both doctors and patients frustrated, as it primarily focuses on managing symptoms with drugs and surgery rather than addressing the root causes of disease.

Many people, like myself, have experienced the detrimental effects of standard procedures, which can sometimes exacerbate health issues rather than resolve them.

This realization drove me to develop a holistic, natural healing system that not only alleviates symptoms by speeding up healing rather than suppressing it, but also promotes genuine, lasting health restoration.

While studying and teaching Naturopathic Medicine, I participated in creating the most widely used reference work in Natural Medicine. It is called the Interactive BodyMind Information System. The psychoemotional healing support related to life stresses and personal growth is an essential part of every Accelerated Self Healing program. The work I did to build the IBIS database for essences including flowers and gems is still at the core of that part of our work today. There are plans underway to make the IBIS program available again in the near future...

- Dr. Glen Swartwout, Co-Author of Natural Eyecare: An Encyclopedia

Are you tired of the limitations and side effects of conventional medicine?

Discover the revolutionary approach that promises to reverse a year of aging and degeneration in just one month!

In my journey to becoming an eye doctor, I discovered that I would go blind by my 40s if I followed conventional medical protocols.

Faced with this daunting prospect, I embarked on a quest to find alternative solutions that could save my vision.

What I discovered ultimately saved my life as well.

This personal mission led me to explore diverse healing modalities, ranging from Ancient Healing Traditions to a form of European Biological Medicine known as the Medicine of the Future, and beyond.

The conventional approach to medicine often leaves both doctors and patients frustrated, as it primarily focuses on managing symptoms with drugs and surgery rather than addressing the root causes of disease.

Many people, like myself, have experienced the detrimental effects of standard procedures, which can sometimes exacerbate health issues rather than resolve them.

This realization drove me to develop a holistic, natural healing system that not only alleviates symptoms by speeding up healing rather than suppressing it, but also promotes genuine, lasting health.

Early in my career, I worked with Professor Bill Nelson to help develop the eye care components of his cutting edge Electro Physiological Feedback Xrroid (EPFX), Quantum Xeroid Consciousness Interface (QXCI), Scientific Consciousness Interface Operation (SCIO), and Indigo biocommunication systems. I personally preferred and in the clinic I primarily used the original forms of German Diagnostic Electroacupuncture including Electroacupuncture According to Voll (EAV), Bioelectronic Functions Diagnosis (BFD), and the Vegatest Method, later called the Vegetative Reflex Test (VRT). Practitioners of these methods are said to gain the equivalent of 10 years of clinical experience in one year of practice. Now, despite the fact that gives me the equivalent of over 400 years of clinical experience, I like to say that I don't think I look a day over 300...

- Dr. Glen Swartwout, Developer of Biofield Analysis

For many people, dealing with chronic health issues is a daily struggle.

They find themselves trapped in a cycle of dysfunction and discomfort, relying on medications that only mask the symptoms rather than identifying and clearing the root causes.

This approach often leads to a dependency on pharmaceuticals, which can cause harmful side effects and further deteriorate overall health.

The frustration and helplessness of not finding a true solution can be overwhelming.

Imagine constantly dealing with the fear of losing your vision or the inability to enjoy simple pleasures like reading a book or seeing your loved ones clearly.

This fear is a reality for many, as conventional treatments fail to provide a lasting cure.

The emotional and psychological toll of these unresolved health issues cannot be understated.

What if there was a way to not only alleviate these symptoms but to actually reverse the damage and restore your health?

Many people are unaware of alternative healing methods that focus on holistic and natural approaches.

These methods, which I have spent years researching and refining, offer hope and real solutions to those in need.

In the 90s, because of my early work on reversal of otherwise irreversible blinding eye diseases, I was invited to write the Vision chapter in Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide. Fellow Dartmouth alumnus and mentor, Dr. Julian Whitaker wrote, ""This book could save your life."

I was also invited to contribute to the followup volume The Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer. I've presented several times to the annual conference of the Cancer Control Society.

- Dr. Glen Swartwout, The Wizard of Wellness

I understand the skepticism that comes with exploring alternative medicine.

I, too, have long been in your shoes, searching for answers beyond what conventional medicine could offer.

My personal journey from a predicted early blindness to regaining my own health has equipped me with the knowledge and experience to help others.

My background in Vision Rehabilitation, along with extensive training in various healing modalities based in Oriental Medicine and Natural Medicine, has led me to create a comprehensive system of Accelerated Self Healing.

This system is designed to address the underlying causes of health issues and promote genuine recovery.

As a Medical Empath, I have built an unshakable connection with my clients.

They trust my expertise and the effectiveness of the methods I use.

By focusing on precision personalized care and understanding each individual's unique needs, I have helped thousands of people reclaim their health and live fuller, happier lives.

Accelerated Self Healing is the culmination and integration of over 40 years of research, development and clinical application. It draws on multiple methods of biocommunication including my own systems of Biofield Analysis. In its fullest form, it is how we are able to reverse a year of aging and degeneration in one month, and how we are able to see reversal of otherwise irreversible conditions such as blinding eye diseases.

- Dr. Glen Swartwout, Creator of Accelerated Self Healing

Introducing Accelerated Self Healing, a revolutionary approach to health that goes beyond symptom management to address the root causes of disease.

This unique system combines various natural healing modalities, including Alternative Medicine, Natural Eyecare, Oriental Medicine, European Biological Medicine, and more.

These methods work synergistically to restore your body’s innate ability to heal itself, providing a comprehensive solution to chronic health issues.

Our Accelerated Self Healing program is designed to reverse a year of aging and degeneration in just one month.

This transformative process is achieved by identifying and removing the underlying causes of disease, thereby allowing the body to regain its natural balance and vitality.

With a focus on holistic and precision personalized care, this program offers a path to true health and well-being.

Through a combination of detailed energetic evaluation and personally matched therapies, we address specific challenges and health concerns.

Whether you are dealing with vision loss, aging related challenges, or other degenerative conditions, our program offers a clear and effective pathway to recovery.

Our unique value proposition lies in the coordinated integration of diverse natural healing techniques tailored to meet your individual needs in order to achieve otherwise impossible outcomes.

Regarding my books on healing blinding eye diseases, my first case of helping a client reverse blindness came from my book on Macular Degeneration. Verna was in her 80s and she was blind from wet AMD when she found my book with visual acuities of 20/200 and 20/400. She chose to forego laser cauterization of her bleeding retinal vessels, and worked with me for several months following my process of Accelerated Self Healing, with a complete program of natural therapies updated monthly according to her body's precise needs. Her Harvard trained Retinologist Bruce Ballon, M.D. (pictured above), wrote that he had never heard of or seen such a restoration of functional vision, along with elimination of bleeding, dissolving of drusen, and reduction of retinal scar tissue. At his follow-up visit, her visual acuities were 20/70 and 20/50.

- Dr. Glen Swartwout, Author of Macular Degeneration... Macular Regeneration

The effectiveness of our Accelerated Self Healing program is backed by 40 years of testimonials and case studies from satisfied clients and their doctors who have witnessed remarkable transformations.

These success stories highlight the real-life impact of our approach, providing real world evidence of its efficacy.

For instance, many individuals report significant improvements in their vision, overall health, and quality of life.

Our methods are also endorsed by experts in the field of natural medicine, further establishing our credibility.

We utilize scientific and clinical evidence to support the claims of our healing techniques.

For example, the principles of Information Medicine and Bioelectronics of Vincent are rooted in extensive research and clinical practice, ensuring that our methods are both safe and effective.

Additionally, we have received international recognition for our contributions to the field of alternative medicine.

This includes awards and accolades from various professional organizations, reinforcing the trustworthiness of our program.

By combining proven techniques with cutting-edge research, we offer a reliable and powerful solution for those seeking to overcome chronic health issues.

The Accelerated Self Healing program is built on a foundation of diverse and powerful natural healing modalities.

What I love the most about this work is that the more the minding-body teaches me about how it works, and the more I explore beyond the limitations of consensus science, everything just makes more and more sense. The healing patterns of the body-mind-spirit make such intuitive sense, and the clinical outcomes continue to shock the medical specialists. Even beyond the mental satisfaction of seeing solutions to the great mysteries of science and medicine, like the hard question of consciousness, is sharing in the joy of each person as they see their futures transform into a brighter, more joyful vision.

- Dr. Glen Swartwout, Developer of the Clinical Theory of Everything

Each feature of the program is designed to provide specific benefits that address the root causes of health issues and promote overall well-being.

Feature: Comprehensive Biocommunication Tools for Assessment

Advantage: Accurate identification of underlying health issues

Benefit: Tailored healing programs that target the specific whole body needs of each individual

Benefit of the Benefit: Higher success rates in resolving chronic health problems and improving overall quality of life

Feature: Personalized Whole Person Treatment Protocols

Advantage: Customized approaches based on individual responsiveness

Benefit: More effective treatments that align with the body’s natural healing processes

Benefit of the Benefit: Faster recovery times and sustained health improvements

Feature: Integration of a Full Spectrum of Natural Healing Modalities

Advantage: Coordinates diverse natural therapies including Nutrition, Botanical Medicine, Energy Medicine, and Information Medicine

Benefit: Comprehensive care that addresses all aspects of health simultaneously

Benefit of the Benefit: Holistic improvement in physical, emotional, and mental well-being

What I love the most about this work is that the more the minding-body teaches me about how it works, and the more I explore beyond the limitations of consensus science, everything just makes more and more sense. The healing patterns of the body-mind-spirit make such intuitive sense, and the clinical outcomes continue to shock the medical specialists. Even beyond the mental satisfaction of seeing solutions to the great mysteries of science and medicine, like the hard question of consciousness, is sharing in the joy of each person as they see their futures transform into a brighter, more joyful vision.

- Dr. Glen Swartwout, Developer of the Clinical Theory of Everything

What sets the Accelerated Self Healing program apart from other health solutions is its comprehensive holistic and integrative approach.

We do not just focus on symptom management; we delve deep into the underlying causes of health issues and provide solutions that promote genuine, lasting recovery.

Unique Aspect: Guided by the overarching vision of our comprehensive and systematic Clinical Theory and Clinical Praxis.

Comparison with Competitors: While most health programs rely on a single method or discipline, our program integrates various proven techniques.

Visual Emphasis: Infographics or charts showcasing the range of modalities used in our program compared to traditional approaches.

Unique Aspect: Proven Track Record

Comparison with Competitors: Our program is backed by numerous success stories and expert endorsements, unlike many alternative treatments that lack substantial evidence.

Visual Emphasis: Before-and-after photos, testimonials, and expert quotes to illustrate the effectiveness of our methods.

Unique Aspect: Personalization and Precision

Comparison with Competitors: Many health programs offer generic solutions, while we provide highly personalized and precise healing plans.

Visual Emphasis: Case studies highlighting personalized treatment plans and their outcomes.

Imagine a life where chronic health issues no longer dictate your daily activities.

One of our clients, Jane, struggled with severe vision loss that affected her ability to work and enjoy her hobbies.

After joining our Accelerated Self Healing program, she experienced a dramatic improvement in her vision within a month.

Jane's story is not unique; many of our clients report similar transformative experiences.

Take the case of Mark, who had been battling persistent pain due to an old injury.

Traditional treatments offered him little relief, and he had almost given up hope.

Through our personalized treatment protocols, Mark found significant pain relief and regained his mobility.

His journey from despair to recovery highlights the effectiveness of our holistic approach.

Then there's Sarah, who faced debilitating fatigue and overall poor health.

Our comprehensive evaluation tools identified the root causes of her condition, and our integrative healing modalities helped her regain her energy and zest for life.

These before-and-after scenarios showcase the emotional and physical transformation our clients undergo, reinforcing the power of our Accelerated Self Healing program.

What I love the most about this work is that the more the minding-body teaches me about how it works, and the more I explore beyond the limitations of consensus science, everything just makes more and more sense. The healing patterns of the body-mind-spirit make such intuitive sense, and the clinical outcomes continue to shock the medical specialists. Even beyond the mental satisfaction of seeing solutions to the great mysteries of science and medicine, like the hard question of consciousness, is sharing in the joy of each person as they see their futures transform into a brighter, more joyful vision.

- Dr. Glen Swartwout, Developer of the Clinical Theory of Everything

Imagine waking up every day feeling rejuvenated and full of energy, ready to tackle whatever comes your way.

Picture yourself enjoying your favorite activities without the constant nagging of health issues.

This is the life you can achieve with our Accelerated Self Healing program.

Our methods are designed to not just alleviate symptoms but to restore your health in a profound and lasting way.

Envision a future where you are free from the limitations imposed by vision problems or other chronic suffering.

With our holistic approach, you can experience a renewed sense of well-being and vitality.

The emotional and physical benefits of our program extend beyond mere symptom relief, offering a complete transformation in how you feel and live your life.

By choosing our program, you are investing in a future where your health is at its peak, and your potential is fully realized.

The vivid descriptions of life post-solution paint a compelling picture of the benefits awaiting you.

Our clients often describe their experiences in terms of newfound freedom and joy, making our program a clear choice for those seeking real, lasting health improvements.

What I love the most about this work is that the more the minding-body teaches me about how it works, and the more I explore beyond the limitations of consensus science, everything just makes more and more sense. The healing patterns of the body-mind-spirit make such intuitive sense, and the clinical outcomes continue to shock the medical specialists. Even beyond the mental satisfaction of seeing solutions to the great mysteries of science and medicine, like the hard question of consciousness, is sharing in the joy of each person as they see their futures transform into a brighter, more joyful vision.

- Dr. Glen Swartwout, Developer of the Clinical Theory of Everything

We are excited to offer you our comprehensive Accelerated Self Healing program, designed to reverse a year of aging and degeneration in just one month.

This unique program includes:

Detailed Biocommunication Assessment: Our advanced evaluation tools will identify the root causes of your health issues, allowing us to tailor a natural healing plan specifically for you.

Personalized Treatment Protocol: A customized plan that integrates various healing modalities such as Nutrition, Botanical Medicine, and Information Medicine to address your unique health needs.

Ongoing Support: Continuous guidance and support throughout your healing journey to ensure you achieve and maintain optimal health.

Additionally, we are including several bonus items to enhance your healing experience:

• A comprehensive guide to natural healing methods

• Access to exclusive online resources and educational materials

• Free initial consultation with our team of experts

For a limited time, we are offering this program at a significant discount.

Take advantage of this opportunity to invest in your health and well-being now.


We are confident in the effectiveness of our Accelerated Self Healing program and offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

If you do not experience significant improvements in your health within 30 days, we will continue supporting you until you do.

Our commitment to your satisfaction is unwavering, and we stand by the quality and efficacy of our program.

Our customer satisfaction policies ensure that you receive the highest level of care and support.

We believe in the transformative power of our methods and are dedicated to helping you achieve lasting health and wellness.

Mutual understanding and clear communication are at the core of our approach, providing you with peace of mind and assurance.

What I love the most about this work is that the more the minding-body teaches me about how it works, and the more I explore beyond the limitations of consensus science, everything just makes more and more sense. The healing patterns of the body-mind-spirit make such intuitive sense, and the clinical outcomes continue to shock the medical specialists. Even beyond the mental satisfaction of seeing solutions to the great mysteries of science and medicine, like the hard question of consciousness, is sharing in the joy of each person as they see their futures transform into a brighter, more joyful vision.

- Dr. Glen Swartwout, Developer of the Clinical Theory of Everything

Many potential clients express concerns about the cost of an Accelerated Self Healing program.

They worry that the investment might be too high, especially if they are not familiar with the benefits of the program.

Another common objection is skepticism about the effectiveness of alternative medicine compared to conventional medical treatments.

Some people also fear that the program might be too time-consuming or complicated to follow.

We understand these concerns and are here to address them head-on.

Firstly, while the investment in the most comprehensive level of support is significant, the value of rapidlachieving lasting health and avoiding future medical costs far outweighs the price.

Secondly, our program is based on years of research and numerous success stories, which we are happy to share with you.

Finally, our program is designed to fit into your lifestyle with easy-to-follow steps and ongoing support.



Addressing the cost concern, we offer flexible payment plans to make the program accessible to most people. We also provide a satisfaction guarantee to ensure that you can engage in our program risk-free.

The potential for significant health improvements makes this investment worthwhile, as it can lead to reduced medical expenses and improved quality of life for years to come.

To counter skepticism about effectiveness, we share detailed testimonials and case studies from our clients who have experienced remarkable transformations.

We also offer a free initial consultation for those who qualify, so you can experience the benefits firsthand before committing fully.

Our program’s effectiveness is backed by expert endorsements and scientific evidence, reinforcing its credibility.

Regarding the concern about complexity, our program is structured in a way that speeds, eases, and simplifies the healing process.

We provide clear instructions, regular check-ins, and personalized support to ensure you can easily integrate the healing practices into your daily routine.

Our goal is to make your journey to better health as smooth and manageable as possible.


Take control of your health today by joining our Accelerated Self Healing program.

Click the link below to get started with your free initial consultation and experience the benefits firsthand.

Don’t wait—your path to better health begins now.


Remember, our program comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you don’t see significant improvements within 30 days, we will provide ongoing support until you do.

We stand by the quality and effectiveness of our methods and are committed to your health and satisfaction.

Join us now and take the first step towards a healthier, happier life.


To recap, our Accelerated Self Healing program offers a unique and comprehensive approach to health, integrating various natural healing modalities to address the root causes of disease.

Our program is personalized to your specific needs, ensuring the most effective treatment and lasting results.

With numerous success stories and expert endorsements, we are confident in the transformative power of our methods.


As an added bonus, if you join our program today, you will receive exclusive access to our online resources, educational materials, and a free guide to natural healing methods.

Don’t miss this limited-time offer.

Act now to secure your spot and start your journey to optimal health.

Reverse Aging

Access the Accelerated Self Healing process that helps you heal 12 times faster than you age… Maturation is normal, but the degenerative aspect of aging is preventable and reversible. We are meant to age more like fine wine… so we can become the wise and vital elders that are so desperately needed to guide the way through the challenging times ahead. Consider that the bodies of some saints don’t even become corrupt after their soul departs… The health and development of the spirit body is an essential factor.

Improve Sleep

Sleep is a key to cleansing and repairing the whole body. The Pineal gland secretes Melatonin, which activates the brain’s glymphatic drainage system to help you prevent or reverse neurological degeneration. The Liver is also most active at night… It is the largest internal organ and responsible for cleaning the portal blood from the gut area, which is the #1 source of toxins in the body. Material in one pea sized diverticulum can hold a lethal dose of toxins… Your body tissues have stem cells ready to make repairs, as soon as conditions are right.

Restore Vitality

You can’t do anything without energy… And neither can your cells. We find that the conventional wisdom about irreversibility of functional loss is often wrong. For example we are seeing restoration of lost visual fields in Glaucoma, because the cells are not working, but that doesn’t mean they are dead… So they can be rejuvenated, and work again as they are meant to… When degenerative changes have begun to occur, the first step is to Energize the cells. In our 5 Phases of Health model, we call it Phase 1: Energize.

About Us

Aloha from Dr. Glen!

"At age 25, I was shocked to learn that I would go blind by age 50 with conventional medicine. While seeking solutions, I also learned I would die of stroke in my 30's, unless I corrected the underlying causes. In solving my own sight threatening and life threatening health challenges, I have developed the Clinical Theory™️ and Clinical Praxis™️ that has helped restore health and function for thousands of people with safe and natural therapies..."

Aloha from Rae!

Susan ‘Rae’ Luscombe is a transformational life coach. Together, Dr. Glen & Rae bring you 23 years of collaboration to ensure that your Accelerated Self Healing™️ program restores your health and wellness with the optimum speed and efficiency you can achieve.

Together, we listen to the wisdom of your body so you will get the exact remedies, energies and information fields that heal your body fast.

End Your Stress of Not Knowing What to Do to Help Yourself!

We teach you about multiple ways to identify the right healing remedies and tools to help you heal faster than your body is breaking down… just like you did naturally when you were younger. Over time, this process will help you get back to the vigor and vitality you used to experience.

Stop Waiting for Pharmaceutical Medicine to Heal You.

Transform your relationship with your doctors to helping you monitor your healing progress, without needing to fall back on more drugs and surgery which ultimately do further harm and are an admission that your health has gotten to such a state that these heroic interventions are a last resort to manage your decline…

Finally Heal the Underlying Causes of Your Suffering.

Symptoms and even Diagnoses are descriptions of the effects of disturbed or disrupted function. You will begin to treat function through support and stimulation, rather than trying to kill all the dysfunctions, which are actually expressions of the body’s innate intelligence in its best efforts to resolve the underlying, often hidden and multifactorial causes. Trusting your own body, mind and spirit to guide your healing is half the battle for achieving a higher level of wellness. The other half is finding a guide, an interpreter, and a source for the natural resources that are so sadly missing from our modern man-made and technological living and working environments… You are in the right place at exactly the right time, and all of your past choices and challenges have led you right here.

Our Clients

Carol Merrill

“The Lovely Carol Merrill” we all remember from Let’s Make a Deal, is indeed a lovely soul. While living on the Island of Hawaii, she was an avid fan of Dr. Glen’s work, and hoped to team up to do a natural health show for television together… When People Magazine wanted to feature her in a “Where Are They Now” article, Carol insisted on bringing Dr. Glen and the lovely Canadian, Susan ‘Rae’ Luscombe, in on the shoot. The image that made it into print showed Dr. Glen measuring buccal currents caused by galvanic interactions of dissimilar metals in dental fillings.”

Kalani Souza

“Kalani Souza was told he would die in 2015 with no hope for a medical cure. In 2017, he left the hospital in a wheelchair with the mission to heal himself naturally. Healer, Othon Molina, Ph.d.c., LMT referred him to Dr. Glen, as Othon remembered referring Shari Belafonte to him in New York over 30 years before… At his first visit, it took 4 people to transfer Kalani in and out of his wheelchair… At his most recent visit, he walked up and down the front steps for the first time without even using his walking stick. The Accelerated Self Healing system works by producing coherence in the whole body.”

Dr. Todd Wylie

“Dr. Todd Wylie practices as a Doctor of Optometry in Spokane, Washington. After hearing several of Dr. Glen’s presentations on healing Glaucoma with natural medicine at the International Conference on Light and Vision, he completed an intensive training on Dr. Glen’s Clinical Theory of Everything… Implementing Accelerated Self Healing first for himself and his family, and then for patients in his practice. One of his many successful client referrals is a Glaucoma patient who was going blind, who has regained nearly half of her lost vision in the first 6 months of Accelerated Self Healing…”

Joy Dettling

“Joy Dettling is a Life Coach who learned she has elevated risk of vision loss due to Glaucoma, Pigment Dispersion Syndrome and Chorioretinopathy. Comparison of her clinical charts shows her dramatic healing of macular edema in just 3 months with the Accelerated Self Healing system. As a Life Coach, she is learning valuable skills in the Health and Wellness Coaching arena as she continues her own healing journey, and she also has the potential to train further with Dr. Glen to assist other clients like you in their quest for wellbeing and restored quality of life through Accelerated Self Healing.”

Some of Our Latest Blog Posts

My Road to Recovery

by Dr. Glen Swartwout

From early experiences in Vision Therapy to the threat of blindness, I have been led to a visionary new approach to healing. I was a C student in 2nd Grade. I had nothing to compare my experience to, to know what else might be possible. Thank God, I chose the right...

(Click the video below to watch and listen, or click here to continue reading...)

The Power of Persistence

by Dr. Glen Swartwout

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly.” - G.K. Chesterton In the worst case scenario, a lot of patience and perseverance are required before seeing any results start to manifest. I was a worst case scenario… In my first year of Accelerated Self Healing, I...

(Click the video below to watch and listen, or click here to continue reading...)

The Start of A New Paradigm

by Dr. Glen Swartwout

My Battle With the Balrog Mercury… As a very young child, I had many high fevers… As an Ivy League trained Registered Nurse, my mother had easy access to Antibiotics where she worked at the hospital… We now know that Antibiotics like Tetracycline...

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Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

[email protected]

PO Box 126 Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

+1 (808) 217-9647

[*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.